

Elhamy Naguib was involved in media work since 1997. He presented 2 programs, “A visit to an artist”  and the “ young artist” on Egyptian national television for 7 years. He was also featured in a number of documentaries on his art. Elhamy was also the public awareness manager for “CAIP” (Cairo Air Improvement Project), and spoke on the project’s behalf for 4 years. Watch for his dream in preparation, a program on “Ethics and the Family” appearing by the end of 2006 on Sat 7 Lebanese channel.

Time Management

The artist introduces time management techinques for leisure times. The kids explore together different aspects of human balance by dividing time between spiritual, physical, social and cerebral activities. The ideas are then translated to a chart with figurines and a commitment from the group to manage time in a better way.


Man has always been fascinated by the life power in flowers and started depicting them in early times. Drawing flowers does not have to be like taking a photograph. Impressionists celebrated their colors, oriental artists were interested in the delicate lines and geometric arrangements like arabesque, and abstract artists enjoyed showing their composition and sense of balance . One modern approach and involves making 2 layers of paper from pulp and couching dried flyovers and sterns between then.

Elhamy Naguib and the kids take small pieces  of handmade paper and draw flowers on them with water colors and crepe paper. The final product was a card to be given to dad and mom to express love and appreciating

Good Smells

People in different parts of the world came up with good ideas for houses that smell good. Elhamy introduces a few of these ideas to the kids with show and tell examples. Together the group makes oranges with cloves and cinnamon, and they understand the concept of the sequence in preparing meals with strong smells, like fish, cabbages and onions followed by cakes with vanilla chocolate or mint. Cinnamon and apple drinks, planting aromatic plants and using scented candles were also explored.

Out of the Box

This is a segment from a broadcast program where the artist speaks about communication and art for the people. Teaching art, researching folk art and architecture, making kids’ toys, and manufacturing functional designs for different materials are his tools to make art an integral part of people’s lives.

Five pointed star
Elhamy Naguib Interview
Paper Craft workshop by Elhamy Naguib
Love and Communication: Elhamy Naguib
Elhamy Naguib: Sabah El Balad
Joy of life exhibition at the Jesuit cultural center , Alexandria
Drawing Flowers for kids with Elhamy Naguib
Good Smells